It's Time To Do The Things That I Know That I Need To Do

As you go through life, there's so many things you know you need to do...
To be the person that you want to be...
These things you need to do just pile up and pile up over time...
And they haunt you...
Until you do them.
You can't fight the things you know you need to do.
You can't live without doing the things you know you need to do.
Because the fact is...
You know exactly who you are and who you're destined to be.
And all these things that you know you need to do, and aren't doing...
That's your mind (and God) showing and telling you exactly what you need to do to become exactly who you're destined to be...
Who you KNOW you are.
I Know Who I Want To Be & What I Need To Do... I Just Haven't Been Doing What I Need To Do...
Life for me the past 6-7 years has been a time of learning a lot of life lessons quickly... the hard way.
I've been figuring out who I am in the process of building multiple businesses...
Through multiple up's and down's...
And I haven't taken the time to do all the things I know that I need to do...
In fact, I've sacrificed the things I know I need to do in the spirit of modern day hustle bro culture.
But now I've realized, that the reason why my life sucks at the moment...
Is because I gave up all those things for far too long.
- Going to the gym consistently
- Going out with friends
- Dating (and sex)
- Spending time with my family
Ya know, the fucking basics basically.
Not only have I sacrificed the basics, the bare necessities...
I've also put off plenty of other things I know I need to do.
I haven't had a car in 6-7 years.
I love cars.
I haven't been able to move around like I used to, I've confined myself inside of 4 walls on a computer, for a very long time, to the point...
I'm Done Sacrificing What I Need To Do
And I'm done even sacrificing my wants.
It's time to start living in abundance.
I've made enough sacrifices...
I've put in the blood, sweat and tears...
To come back with the lessons I needed to learn in order to become who I am destined to be.
Now I just need to take the time to reflect on those lessons...
Compile the notes from those lessons...
And then move onward and upward.
It doesn't need to take a long time, but it's gonna take as long as it's gonna take.
I think it will take a max 1,000 days to completely reinvent myself.
And the way I'm going to reinvent myself...
Is by putting together all of the things I know I need to do...
Writing them down...
And doing them all.
If there's one thing I know is 100% true...
It's that the reason my life is the way it is currently... is a direct result of the decisions I make on a daily basis, both big and small.
It's Not That Hard & Will Be Easy Eventually...
I know that reinventing my life is going to be difficult.
I accept that.
However, I also know that the life I'll have on the other side will be a much easier life to live than the purgatory I'm in now.
I'll be doing the things that light me up, rather than the things that keep me stuck in the dark.
Like Sales... I love closing deals... I jump out of my chair and beat my chest just about every time I close a deal as long as the person I closed can't see me haha.
I need to build my life around Sales and other stuff like it.
Another thing that lights me up is writing.
Especially writing about what I'm learning as a way to solidify my learning and pass it to the next person.
Playing sports is another thing that lights me up, even just shooting hoops, or going to the batting cages.
These are some of the things that would make my life brighter.
I know it. And I have known it for a while...
So now it's time to step into the life I know I need to live in order to become who I know I can be.
And step out of the life that's comfortable to me right now...
Even though it's anything BUT comfortable...
It's the most annoying fucking frustrating season of life I've ever gone through...
And I hope to God that it's going to be over soon.
I do think a new, great season is coming for me now that I'm finally turning a leaf to make it happen.
But I'm always prepared for it to get worse before it gets better.
I asked God to help me through the situation I put myself in recently, or to block me from moving forward if I wasn't moving in the right direction.
And I was blocked. Hard.
To the point I knew I needed to make a big change.
Don't Climb The Wrong Mountains
I feel like I've been climbing the wrong mountain for far too long...
I'm exhausted from it.
I can't fathom climbing a new, hard mountain again right now.
But I can fathom climbing an easy one to get my confidence back.
I know that's what I need to do.
And that's the plan.
I'm going to get a high-ticket sales job.
It took me a while to break my ego to be able to accept a "job" again.
But it's for the best, and it's the responsible thing to do.
I barely made $30K this year, and I can make $30K+ a month at the right sales job.
With a lot less work...
A lot less frustration...
A lot less pain and suffering to say the least.
From there, I build a secure foundation again and then start building new income streams, whether it's investing or building a business.
I want to start with taking the money I make from sales and investing it into the stock, FOREX and crypto markets.
And building Cluick to at least $1,000 in passive profit per day.
No matter what, I need to simplify my life in regards to how I make money...
So that I can focus on rebuilding the rest of the pieces of my life that I've neglected and sacrificed for so long.
It's so fucking hard to change your life when you're in the thick of building a business, especially in the beginning.
But you're never going to make that business succeed no matter how hard you work, without changing your life first.
All that said...
I am looking forward to this new season of my life that I know is coming soon.
I am looking forward to meeting the ultimate version of myself that I know is coming soon.
And I am grateful for everything I've gone through up to this point because I know that the only way I go from here is up...
And with all these lessons, I can go up extremely quickly...
Once I reinvent myself, and do the things that I know that I need to do... Religiously, without effort.
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